Friends, we are going to write a pollution essay…
10 Line on pollution
There are many types of Pollution. All these pollutions affect our daily life. The increasing rate of pollution is making us worry. We know that pollution is a man-made phenomenon _
Given below are 10 lines for students about the topic of ” Pollution”.
1) The problem of pollution is growing every day and is causing a risk to the population of the country.
2) Pollution is mixing some unwanted elements in natural resources.
3) There are mainly three types of pollution air pollution, water pollution, and land pollution
4) When impure and harmful gases polluted the air, it is called air pollution.
5) polluted air and water cause many diseases in Humans and Animals.
6) The natural causes of pollution are floods, forest fires, volcanoes, etc.
7) Pollution causes various diseases around the world.
8) Planting more and more trees benefits the environment.
9) We can stop pollution by using eco-friendly resource panels.
10) People should be educated about all kinds of pollution and its effects on our lives.
Short essay on Pollution of 100 words
Pollution today is entirely man-made many things that mankind has created or invented during the past century, are the actual causes of the increase in global warming. For example- pesticides, chemicals, and poisonous, substances to kill weeds and insects, etc. Anything that causes pollution is known as a pollutant. It can be a solid, liquid, or even gas.
No matter what state the pollutant is in, it can have devastating effects on our natural ecosystem if it is left unchecked. humans are responsible for all types of pollution. The effects of air and water pollution are very much visible nowadays. Water pollution is making people suffer from various gut diseases. There are others like noise pollution, plastic pollution, and solid waste pollution.
Long Essay on Pollution
Introduction – Pollution is the introduction of harmful material into the environment. These materials are called pollution. They can be created by human activity like trash and nature like volcanic ash. Pollutants damage the quality of water, air, and land. Pollution is a global problem.
There are mainly three types of pollution – Air pollution, Water pollution, and Soil/Land pollution.
1. Air Pollution – Air pollution is air contamination in the atmosphere when harmful or excessive quantities of substances such as smoke and harmful gases from industries, CFCs, and oxides produced by automobiles, burning solid wastes, etc. are introduced into the environment.
2. Water Pollution – Water pollution is another big challenge faced by humans nowadays. Sewage waste, wastes from industries or factories, etc. are being dumped into water bodies such as canals, and rivers. An essay on pollution for children and students
3. Land Pollution – Land/soil pollution is can be defined as the build-up in the soil of persistent toxic chemical compound salts, radioactive materials, or even disease-causing agents, which adversely affect the growth of a plant and the health of animals. An essay on pollution for children and students
Plastic is not biodegradable so indirectly it is causing soil poll plants and trees are the victims of regular soil pollution.
Conclusion – This is a serious global problem. Nothing is immune from its impacts so we should be educated about all kinds of pollution and their effects on our life.
We have to stop growing population ASAP we have to start from ourselves. You are really doing great ma’am to raising voice against growing population
Very well written on pollution. Together we all have to raise our voice against Pollution.
Pollution is a disease if it is not stopped then it will make us all sick.